Diagnosis API tutorial

Base Health Terms
Diagnostic information recognized by the API engine is categorized as Lab Test Procedures and Symptoms. To take advantage of the diagnostic capabilities of Diagnosis API you must describe your patient cases in terms of observations available in the presented model; in other words, you need to know exact Test results and Symptoms to be passed to the /DDxItems endpoint.
For each medical concept category there are two REST-inspired read-only endpoints supporting GET requests:
one returns the list of all Lab Tests Procedures (https://diagnosisapi.azurewebsites.net/api/DDxItems/GetTests?AuthenticationID=DEMO_AuthenticationID),
the other returns the list of all possible Symptoms (https://diagnosisapi.azurewebsites.net/api/DDxItems/GetSymptoms?AuthenticationID=DEMO_AuthenticationID).

Each concept is represented by a JSON object with several attributes. Some attributes are common to both concepts:
id ??? short and unique concept (test or symptom) id,
name ??? concept name (professional medical term),
description ??? detailed description.

Test Procedures
Laboratory Tests in API presented as the following structure:
        int id
        string procedure
        string LowRangeValue
        string HighRangeValue
        string UnitsType
        string LowRangeValueSI
        string HighRangeValueSI
        string UnitsTypeSI
        string ComboValuesList
        string NegativeComboValue
        string descriptionLow
        string descriptionHigh
        string sid

Example of a JSON object representing test procedure with id = 11, as returned by https://diagnosisapi.azurewebsites.net/api/DDxItems/GetTest/11?AuthenticationID=DEMO_AuthenticationID

Please take a look at how Tests Edit interface implemented in DDxHub web-application.

Symptoms represent medical signs. Symptoms in the API model are organized into Categories: Breathing, Muscles, Blood and so on. Symptoms in API presented as the following structure:
        int id
        string Symptom
        string SimilarSymptomsList
        string Category

Example of a JSON object representing symptom with id = 11, as returned by https://diagnosisapi.azurewebsites.net/api/DDxItems/GetSymptom/11?AuthenticationID=DEMO_AuthenticationID
"symptom":"muscle twitching",
"similarSymptomsList":"[DEMO... data available in registered version]",

Please take a look at how Symptoms Edit interface implemented in DDxHub web-application.

! Please note: Correct med-statistics data is not provided for Demo Development.

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