Medical Tests Analyzer Software

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Would you like to know what your lab results mean? Medical Tests Analyzer Software will explain and clarify your lab blood test report.

Mobile Apps

SmrtX 2nd Opinion is an interactive Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) that is designed to assist physicians and other health professionals with determining diagnosis of patient data. 2nd Opinion is a mobile app that is helpful for clinical therapeutics students at medical schools as educational software.

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The app can be installed from:
Windows Store onto your Windows 8 PC. Also you can install it on Microsoft Surface and other Microsoft mobile devices.
The 2nd Opinion app is also available on Google Play Android App Store for Android devices.
You can use Apple edition of the app as well by downloading onto iPhone and iPad.

Desktop Apps

SmrtX Medical Tests Analyzer is the complete solution for efficient, reliable and modern managing of patient's medical lab results history.

Have you lately gotten a blood test done? Explaining lab tests is one of the most central diagnostic instruments used by doctors to identify if a patient in distress from any health condition. Whereas translating blood test results for the purposes of treatment and medical diagnosis has to be entrusted to physicians, gaining a basic understanding of how to figure out lab tests is significant if you are going to take a lively role in your health care.
You recently got your blood test results back, but you have no idea what the numbers mean. Medical Tests Analyzer software tool provides a short overview and some tips on how to translate the results, and what they actually mean.

Medical lab tests are tools useful in estimating the health condition of an individual. It is important to understand that laboratory results may be outside of the normal interval range for variety of factors. These declinations can correspond to such things as food preference, age, race, sex, menstrual cycle, physical exercises, handling of the specimen and samples collection problems, over-the-counter medications (cold drugs, aspirin, vitamins, etc.), smoking, prescribed medications, alcohol intake and a number of non-disease-related reasons. You should talk about any abnormal and unusual lab results with your health provider. It is unlikely to cure or diagnose any disorder or health condition with a single blood test only. But, it can be helpful for you to understand more about your health and identify potential problems in early stages when updating your personal habits and treatment can work effectively.

Reasons for blood tests
Physicians may order blood examination for many of reasons. The most frequently ordered blood tests include CBC (complete blood count), BUN (blood urea nitrogen) that helps identify kidney diseases and BMP (basic metabolic panel) as well as the MPV lab test (mean platelet volume). Whereas these can be more general tests, there could be many of other reasons physicians can order to perform blood tests, such as the Hemoglobin (Hgb) test to diagnose anemia. Your doctor has to explain your health status and what the test is performed for. If you are interested about your lab test results, discuss with your physician. Medical Tests Analyzer Software is a good tool to interpret your laboratory test results.

Comprehension of Reference Ranges
Lab test results are sent to your health care provider along with Reference Ranges of the results of your blood tests that help in accurately interpreting and evaluating the results of the examination. Each test has a different purpose, and each test has to be reviewed in the context of differences in test methodologies used by the laboratory where the test is produced. Another significant consideration is differences in groups of patients that include: men, women, infants, age of person, the population norms in the country, ethnic group, and racial factor.
Laboratories provide test reports with a reference range printed down next to each listed test result. This assists to identify if the test results are within normal interval range, reduced, or elevated when you are reading lab test results. When you are finding out how to interpret blood lab tests, it is significant to understand that the reference ranges may differ from one laboratory to another. It is possible since every laboratory applies a set of methods that may affect how lab tests are performed. If your lab test result is outside of the reference range, it does not certainly mean that something is wrong with your health status.

For instance, when interpreting ANA lab tests, elevated results are argumentative of an autoimmune disorder while reduced can be considered normal. But what can be normal for the Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) test will differ corresponding to age, gender and health status. Also there is always the possibility of a false negative, such as in the Cancer Antigen tumor marker blood test (CA 125) which is only correct in half of cases reporting ovarian cancer of stage I. This is significant to understand the tests distinctions before explaining the results. When your physician suspects a health condition based on reduced or elevated lab test results, you can be subjected to additional examinations to identify if those results are a cause for concern. Medical Tests Analyzer Software tool can explain your laboratory test results.

High and Low false results
Some people who do not have a medical training get scared if they see an abnormal blood test result when getting to know how to understand blood tests. Nevertheless, false high and low results' values may befall with many blood tests because test results can be impacted by a wide range of causes. Drugs, foods, beverages, and even stress levels may affect lab test results on a single day. For example, birth control pills or estrogen drug may modify a thyroid test lab results.
The method a laboratory assistant manipulates your specimen may also be a cause of a false high or low result. For instance, calcium is contained within the erythrocytes (red blood cells). When a laboratory assistant handles your sample too jauntily or drops it, the erythrocytes could break. That may produce a high calcium level on the lab blood test report. When you receive a false result, your physician can advise that you have to repeat the test. Talk about your lab results with your doctor when you have difficulties figuring out blood test results on your own. Medical Tests Analyzer Software tool will help you interpret your laboratory test results.

DDxHub - Differential diagnosis Hub

Diagnosis is the process of determining which disease or health condition explains a person's test results and symptoms.
DDxHub - Differential diagnosis Hub is the System distinguishing of a particular disease or health condition from others that present similar symptoms and lab test results.
DDxHub is a concentrator that holds a lot of disease descriptions. DDxHub is useful when you try to find a right diagnosis by comparing several different possible diagnoses. You may enter your own disease definition into DDxHub repository and share the disorder descriptions with other DDxHub users around the world. In turn, you will be updated with disorder descriptions from other DDxHub users.
The DDxHub relies on the System knowledgebase to diagnose a health condition.
However what happens if a disease is difficult to diagnose and a remote doctor does not have the answers? The patient is often bounced from one specialist to another, and sometimes no solution is found. This is especially challenging in cases where a patient lives in geographically inaccessible regions or has a rare disease.

DDxHub enters the power of crowds! Increasingly, more physicians and patients are relying on crowdsourcing, leveraging the collective knowledge of online communities to solicit information and ideas from individuals with diverse experiences, to diagnose difficult cases, solve medical mysteries, help increase access to medical information and enhance patient care. The DDxHub is a System that encourages interdisciplinary collaborations among medical experts with backgrounds in medicine, nutrition, education and research using crowdsourcing platforms and advanced analytics to provide suggestions to patients who present their cases. DDxHub has assisted in resolving hundreds of medical cases.

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