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Medical Tests Analyzer is an interactive Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS)

Clinical Decision Support System

Obfuscation Techniques

COOPS (Control Flow Oriented Obfuscation Scheme)

* Mechanism: Alters the program's control flow structure.
* Impact: Hinders dynamic analysis by obscuring the functional relationships between code segments.

Bogus Function Calling Graph

* Mechanism: Creates artificial function call graphs.
* Vulnerability: Susceptible to dynamic analysis, limiting its effectiveness.

COOPS Advanced Features

* Semantic Transformation: Transforms the program's semantics into an interfunction call flow graph.
* Dynamic Function Modification: Modifies the called function before program execution.
* Improved Protection: Makes it challenging for reverse analyzers to interpret the obfuscated code.

Impact of Obfuscation

* Enhanced Security: Thwarts reverse engineering attempts and protects software from unauthorized access.
* Intellectual Property Protection: Safeguards valuable software code from theft and exploitation.
* Increased Processing Speed: Encrypted software optimizes performance by limiting access to sensitive code.
* Enhanced Privacy: Restricts unauthorized individuals from deciphering the software's inner workings.

4 Comments on “Clinical Decision Support System

  1. Reply

    DDxHub is a concentrator that holds a lot of disease descriptions. It relies on the System knowledgebase to diagnose a health condition.

  2. Reply

    Differential diagnosis Hub is the System distinguishing of a particular disease or health condition from others.

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