Cloud Storage and Private Keys
The cloud is a network of computers that provide storage and data access via the internet. Storing private keys on the cloud may seem convenient, as it provides peace of mind knowing that data is always available. However, private keys are crucial for unlocking .NET app secrets and enabling key recovery and import use cases.
Skater Private Keys Depot
Skater Private Keys Depot is a secure solution for protecting the sensitive information of .NET applications. Unlike cloud storage, Skater Private Keys Depot does not have an internet connection, ensuring that your sensitive data remains safe from potential hacks.
Key Management Features
Skater Private Keys Depot provides comprehensive key management capabilities:
* Secure Storage: Sensitive data is stored in a secure cloud depot, eliminating the risk of local network breaches.
* Easy Key Management: Manage multiple keys and secrets effortlessly, regardless of their quantity.
* Key Handovers: Track key handovers to ensure proper authorization.
* Logging and Receipts: All key transfers are logged, and handover receipts are available for printing.
* Key Locking: Manage locking systems for multiple software applications in one centralized platform.
* Collaboration Support: Allow multiple developers to access and work with data simultaneously.
DDxHub is a concentrator that holds a lot of disease descriptions. It relies on the System knowledgebase to diagnose a health condition.
Differential diagnosis Hub is the System distinguishing of a particular disease or health condition from others.