API Communication and Security
- All API requests must use HTTPS.
- The API supports four HTTP methods: DELETE, PUT, GET, and POST.
- Error messages are provided in JSON format.
- The Diagnosis API is hosted at https://diagnosisapi.azurewebsites.net.
- Azure Storage utilizes TLS 1.2 for public HTTPS endpoints, while TLS 1.0 and 1.1 remain supported for compatibility.
- Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) enables client-side web application code to interact with the Diagnosis API. However, avoid exposing API credentials in public websites.
HTTP Methods
- GET: Retrieve data without requiring request body content.
- POST: Submit data in the request body, formatted as a JSON object.
Data Format
- The Diagnosis API exclusively supports JSON as its data format.
TLS Versions
- Azure Storage supports three TLS protocols: 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2. However, only 1.1 and 1.2 are recommended for use.
Additional Notes
- All API responses return JSON objects or lists.
- The content provided by the API is read-only and remains consistent across multiple calls with the same input.
- All requests and responses should be encoded in UTF-8.
DDxHub is a concentrator that holds a lot of disease descriptions. It relies on the System knowledgebase to diagnose a health condition.
Differential diagnosis Hub is the System distinguishing of a particular disease or health condition from others.