
Would you like to know what lab results mean? Medical Tests Analyzer Software will explain and clarify your lab test report.

Schistocytes (red cell fragments). Schistocytes are typically irregularly shaped, jagged, and asymmetrical. A true schistocyte does not have central pallor.

Test results
The fragment are small and often appear spherical, triangular or irregular, deeply stained with irregular outline it is not normal. Found in haemolytic anemia, burns, thalassemias, megaloblastic anemia, iron deficiency anaemia, elliptocytosis, DIC, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, drug and toxins.
Several microangiopathic disorders, including disseminated intravascular coagulation and thrombotic microangiopathies, generate fibrin strands that sever red blood cells as they try to move past a thrombus, creating schistocytes.
Schistocytes are often seen in patients with hemolytic anemia. They are frequently a consequence of mechanical heart valve prostheses.
Excessive schistocytes present in blood can be a sign of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (MAHA) where the most common cause is aortic stenosis.

Definitions of cells by shape
Cell which is approximately spherical in shape so that it has lost its central pallor; the cell outline is regular
Spherocyte of reduced size and therefore diameter
Irregularly contracted cell
Cell of reduced size and diameter with a lack of central pallor but with an irregular outline
Cell with an elliptical outline
Cell with an oval outline
Tear drop poikilocyte
Cell shaped like a tear, less often known as a dacrocyte
Target cell
Cell with a more strongly staining area in the centre of the area of central pallor
Cell with a central slit or stoma
Cell with two or four curved horn-shaped projections
Schistocyte (red cell fragment)
Fragment of a cell, usually angular; a microspherocyte is a particular type of schistocyte
Echinocyte (crenated cell)
Cell with its surface covered with 20–30 small, regular, blunt projections
Cell with its surface covered with two to twenty projections of irregular shape and irregularly distributed
Sickle cell
Cell with a sickle or crescent shape, caused by the presence of a high concentration of an abnormal haemoglobin known as haemoglobin S
Boat-shaped cell
Cell similar in shape to an elliptocyte but with both ends being pointed, usually indicative of the presence of haemoglobin S
SC poikilocyte
Bizarre poikilocyte formed when cells contain both haemoglobin S and haemoglobin C, having some curved edges and some square or rectangular protrusions

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