Metabolic alkalosis

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Slowed breathing (hypoventilation) to decrease CO2 elimination. Alkalosis is a condition in which the body fluids have excess base (alkali). This is the opposite of excess acid (acidosis). The kidneys and lungs maintain the proper balance of chemicals, called acids and bases, in the body. Decreased carbon dioxide (an acid) or increased bicarbonate (a base) levels make the body too alkaline, a condition called alkalosis. Metabolic alkalosis is caused by too much bicarbonate in the blood. Hypochloremic alkalosis is caused by an extreme lack or loss of chloride, which can occur with prolonged vomiting. Hypokalemic alkalosis is caused by the kidneys' response to an extreme lack or loss of potassium, which can occur when people take certain diuretic medications. Compensated alkalosis occurs when the body returns the acid - base balance to normal in cases of alkalosis, but bicarbonate and carbon dioxide levels remain abnormal.


Laboratory Test Procedures:

hand tremor
muscle twitching
numbness or tingling in the face
numbness or tingling in the hands
numbness or tingling in the feet
muscle spasms

pH - arterial blood
HCO3 (bicarbonate)
pCO2 (partial pressures of carbon dioxide)
BE (base excess)
pH Urine
Chloride Cl
Medical Tests Analyzer provides with more lab test procedures...

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